Post New or Edit Job

[nonce action_name=post_new_or_edit_job_action nonce_name=post_new_or_edit_job_field]


[message message_class=”error” is_hidden=0]

Regular users will not see this message unless you edit it from WP Admin > Pages > Post New or Edit Job > General Tooltip Instructions.

[job_fields field_type=title instructions=”This is your job title. Choose it wisely, it is the first piece of information buyers will see.

  • List item 1
  • List item 2

” placeholder=”I will do something I’m really good at]


[job_fields field_type=price instructions=”Choose a price for the basic job. You can add extra services below.” placeholder=”10″]

[job_fields field_type=package instructions=”Fill in this table with the required information.”]

[job_fields field_type=milestones instructions=”Fill in this table with the required information.”]


[job_fields field_type=category instructions=”Please select the category most suitable for your job.” placeholder=”Select category”]

[job_fields field_type=subcategory required=1 instructions=”Please select the subcategory most suitable for your job.” placeholder=”Select subcategory”]


[job_fields field_type=description instructions=”The description should be as detailed as possible so buyers will be able to understand if this meets their needs.” placeholder=”Include the most important information about your job here”]


[job_fields field_type=tag instructions=”The tags are some keywords related to your job. Buyers will be able to find your job easier if you choose them properly.”]

[nonce action_name=post_new_or_edit_job_action nonce_name=post_new_or_edit_job_field]


[message message_class=”error” is_hidden=0]

Regular users will not see this message unless you edit it from WP Admin > Pages > Post New or Edit Job > General Tooltip Instructions.
Instructions to Buyer

[job_fields field_type=instruction required=1 instructions=”A set of instructions for the buyer, in order to provide the data you need to complete the job.” placeholder=”The buyer instructions of your job”]


[job_fields field_type=faq required=0 instructions=”A list of questions and answers related to your job, especially some that provide basic information for users of the platform.” placeholder=”Insert your question here”]

Max Days to Deliver

[job_fields field_type=delivery instructions=”Delivery time is your deadline for delivering an order. Be careful when you choose this, because late deliveries can result in cancellations or affect your reputation.”]

[job_fields field_type=instant_delivery instructions=”Attach the files that the buyer can access after buying the job.”]

Requires Shipping?

[job_fields field_type=shipping instructions=”Does this require physical shipping? If you want the buyer to pay for it, please add the shipping cost here.” placeholder=”10″]

Let’s Meet

[job_fields field_type=lets_meet instructions=”Check this if you need to meet the buyer in order to provide your service.” placeholder=”Slide to enable”]


[job_fields field_type=location instructions=”Here you can fill the location where you provide this service.” placeholder=”Enter location”]

[job_fields field_type=distance instructions=”Here you can fill the distance that you can travel in order to provide this service.” placeholder=”Distance”]

Display Map

[job_fields field_type=map instructions=”Check this if you want to display a map with the location on your job page.” placeholder=”Slide to enable”]

[nonce action_name=post_new_or_edit_job_action nonce_name=post_new_or_edit_job_field]


[message message_class=”error” is_hidden=0]

Regular users will not see this message unless you edit it from WP Admin > Pages > Post New or Edit Job > General Tooltip Instructions.
Cover Image

[job_fields field_type=cover instructions=”Sometimes a photo can say more than 1000 words. Please select the best cover image related to your job.”]


[job_fields field_type=image instructions=”Sometimes a photo can say more than 1000 words. Please select the best photos related to your job.”]

Video Link

[job_fields field_type=video instructions=”If you want to describe your job even better, you can add the link to an YouTube or Vimeo video here.” placeholder=”Paste your video link here”]

Job Preview

[job_fields field_type=preview instructions=”Attach files related to the job you are posting, so that the buyer has a better idea of your job.”]


[job_fields field_type=audio instructions=”Here you can provide audio samples if your job is related to this.”]

[nonce action_name=post_new_or_edit_job_action nonce_name=post_new_or_edit_job_field]


[message message_class=”error” is_hidden=0]

Regular users will not see this message unless you edit it from WP Admin > Pages > Post New or Edit Job > General Tooltip Instructions.
Extra Fast Delivery

[job_fields field_type=extra_fast_delivery instructions=”” placeholder=”Slide to enable” include_label=false]

[job_fields field_type=extra_fast_delivery_price instructions=”” placeholder=”Price of extra delivery”]

[job_fields field_type=extra_fast_delivery_days instructions=”” placeholder=”Max days to deliver”]

Additional Revision

[job_fields field_type=additional_revision instructions=”” placeholder=”Slide to enable” include_label=false]

[job_fields field_type=additional_revision_price instructions=”” placeholder=”Price of extra revision”]

[job_fields field_type=additional_revision_delivery_days instructions=”” placeholder=”Max days to deliver”]

[job_fields field_type=additional_revision_multiple instructions=”” placeholder=”Multiple”]


[job_fields field_type=extra instructions=”If this is enabled, the extra is visible for buyers.” placeholder=”Slide to enable” include_label=false]

[job_fields field_type=extra_description instructions=”Describe your additional service in one short line.” placeholder=”Description”]

[job_fields field_type=extra_price instructions=”Choose a price for your additional service.” palceholder=”Price of extra”]

[job_fields field_type=extra_delivery_days instructions=”Delivery time for an extra.” placeholder=”Max days to deliver”]

[job_fields field_type=extra_multiple instructions=”Check this box in order to enable multiple quantity purchase for this additional service.” placeholder=”Multiple”]

[job_fields field_type=add_new_extra_button placeholder=”+ Add New Extra”]

[nonce action_name=post_new_or_edit_job_action nonce_name=post_new_or_edit_job_field]


[message message_class=”error” is_hidden=0]

Regular users will not see this message unless you edit it from WP Admin > Pages > Post New or Edit Job > General Tooltip Instructions.

Almost there!

Read the following terms of service to start selling!

[job_fields field_type=tos instructions=””]